All aboard the 'Happy' train!
Since the inception of this exciting and informative service, we’ve spent a lot of time concentrating on the ‘Hate’ side of ‘Hate Your Way to Happiness’, and very little on the ‘Happiness’ side.
Well [can you guess what’s coming?] that’s all about to change!
What’s happiness, anyway? And why are we always trying so damn hard to have it? It’s a question that’s troubled the minds of lots of people over a significant period of time. Do you know what the one thing they had in common was? That’s right. They were all miserable bastards.
The thing is, happiness is different for different people.
For some, happiness is the contentment of growing old with a partner, sitting together in comfortable chairs and farting without fear of recrimination, and waiting to die. Some people might say this is a ‘boring’ and ‘stupid’ definition of happiness, but here at HYWTH we make it a policy never to sit in judgement of those idiots.
Others define happiness in simplistic, childlike, even slightly retarded terms. These are the people who define happiness as a series of fleeting images. Chief amongst these is the notion that happiness can somehow be found ‘in the smiling face of a child’.
There are numerous reasons why this is wrong. For instance, the smiling face of a child is usually covered in foodstuffs, snot, or dirt. This is REVOLTING. It is only the parents of these children who really believe that there is anything ‘happy’ to be found in this situation, and what they are actually doing is congratulating themselves on producing something that works, and can presumably be cleaned. For the rest of us, it’s simply NAUSEATING.
Also, consider what is likely to have provoked this child’s smile. In all probability, it is likely to have been an animal defecating or rutting, or an overgrown pervert in a bear costume falling to the ground. It may be the warmth of the child’s own urine-soaked undergarments, or the ‘antics’ of ‘comedian’ Adam Sandler. In any case, it is unlikely that the cause of the child’s smiling face is anything of a sophisticated or intelligent nature. After all, children are not smart. In fact, they are almost unbelievably stupid. The smile on a child’s face is likely to have been provoked by all that is DISGUSTING, UNSIGHTLY, and WRONG with the world.
This same ‘fleeting images’ school would have us believe that happiness is to be found in such moronic notions as ‘a warm piece of buttered toast on a cold winter’s morning’; ‘the first rays of sunshine after a shower’; ‘an antelope gambolling in a suburban car park’; or ‘the brief sensation of ecstatic guilt after a nun has sat naked in your lap’.
These are all images or sensations that may amuse briefly – and they may serve as some form of anaesthetic to the hideous drudgery of day to day living in the form of pleasant memories.
But ultimately they do not provide happiness. Lasting happiness, as we all know, can only really be achieved through the knowledge that you have bettered those that have done you wrong, that you have exacted the requisite amount of revenge, and that there others out there who feel much worse than you do about themselves.
So let’s get HAPPY!
Hate around the clock
Is it possible for one to hate oneself? I'm just asking as I raped myself 3 days ago.
Prof. Walter Gramsdyke
Faculty of Neurology
University of Antwerp
I hate almost everything about myself but I have never been moved to rape myself. Having said that I did harm myself significantly the other day when I sucked on a blow pipe in my father's garage, sending a poisoned needle into the back of my throat and permenantly damaging my pharyngeal muscles. Nevertheless, every cloud has a silver lining and I have just found a job fellating monkeys at Chessington world of Adventures. Feel free to come and see me any time. I can be found in the gibbon enclosure next to the Kodak fun photo booth.
Mona Ramsbotton,
Just the other day I was so consumed with hatred for my line manager that I struck my office desk with such force that one of the legs splintered and now sits precariously at a 45 degree angle from the table top. You say such hatred and anger is therapeutic, meaninful and productive. I am not convinced. I fear disasterous repercussions for my career and well-being and at night have begun to stroke the trigger of the shot gun I keep under the pillow ever more tenderly and curiously. Blood-stained fantasies of office massacres and parcel bombs run endlessly through my head. So, Anthony, I have just one questiion for you. Can you or any of your readers recommend a good, reliable adhesive glue to repair my desk?
Yours despairingly,
Byron T Bigley,
Brockley Park Counselling and Welfare Services,
In response to your previous reader's question, the word for "gyrate" in Somali is "ku wareegeysi".
Abdi Hossein,
Am I in the right place? I feel sick to the stomach.
Abdi Hossein,
I have an in-growing toenail.
Doris Spencer,
I've just been struck by a boiled egg and, if truth be told, I'm quite cross.
Sam Marino,
Henderson State University,
Spare a thought for me, Spencer. I have no working pharyngeal muscles whatsoever and one of those fucking monkeys has just bitten me again. This job isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Mona Ramsbotton,
Anthony, are you ever in your life watch one film that is call "La Haine"?
Is a fuck nice. Is a germanic film aboutn 3 holigans; an islamic, a jewish and one budist. they are hate evrything but especialy the pigs because of the religion. One freind is in the coma because was attack by wild pig, and the jewish is threten for slaughter the pig if the freind is die, in time for the holy month of Ramadan. I'm not remember the end of this film, but the translation from the Dutch is "the hate". I'm know. i'm italien.
I'm trying to fix someone's ceiling but have no idea what's going on. Could someone help?
Ever grateful,
Lucas Nowak,
Syon Lane,
Gosh. That pint of pig-cum really hit the spot. I'm glad I asked for a transfer, and like Zidane, regret "rien".
Mona Ramsbotton,
I've just smashed my fucking computer into tiny pieces with a cunting hammer and am now unable to contribute anything more of worth to this blog, or any other for that matter.
Bunjaj Pali,
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!! I've just stabbed my eyes with a rusty screwdriver and I can't seeexgajddkmn 4r nxxxxxxxxx djdh. I'm teribly sorry but I too will not be able to comment on thsi blog any further until I have had my eyesight corrected with costly laser surgery. that may take some time as I'm only 8 and a half and living on a rubbish dump. Yours worryingly,
Harry Dove,
I am quite startled by the levels of illiteracy, not to mention idiocy, on display on these pages. Would everyone kindly fuck off, and leave us to the profound and weightly business of hating in our own unique ways.
Janet Looney,
National Institute for Literacy,
Washington D.C.
Harndsworth, a roasted red pepper, cut in half and smothered in matterson's duck liver pate, is a tasty and nutritious snack which leaves none of the "trappings"(!) of bloatedness or gassiness so often associated with the "meat and veg" lunchtime snack. I should know. I've already eaten three of the fuckers!!
On further consideration, I should like to add one more exclamation mark to my previous comment.
I've just shat myself.
I have nothing further to add. Thank you.
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